Chinese Acupuncture & Herbs
  Chinese Acupuncture & Herbs, Inc.
Top acupuncture clinics in Lake Mary 2016
Hongjie Zhu's Practice has been recognized as one of the top Lake Mary Acupuncture practices.
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Acupuncture - What is Acupuncture and how does Acupuncture help Infertility Treatment
Chinese Herbal Medicine - What is Chinese Herbal Medicine and how can Chinese Herbal Medicine help

If you suffer from stress, pain, weight gain, allergies, infertility or a multitude of other conditions, there is a safe, effective, drug-free alternative for you. Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs, Inc.

Traditional Chinese medicine works to maintain a healthy and balanced body system. We offer drug-free, non-surgical treatment for people of all ages and are committed to this healing method.

Dr. Zhu brings to her patients a wealth of knowledge from her training in Mainland China with over 30 years experience in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.

For more detailed information, please use the links to the left.

Hongjie Zhu, Dom, AP, MD in China
FL Board Certified Acupuncture Physician
Family Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese Acupuncture & Herbs